The Rice’s whale (Balaenoptera ricei) is a newly described species of large whale that was described in 2021. Prior to the description of this species, we thought the species we were studying was an isolated population of Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni), but morphometric and genetic data confirmed that this is an extremely small, isolated population with an estimated abundance of 50 individuals, a restricted habitat range, and very low levels of genetic diversity.
The Rice’s whale (Balaenoptera ricei) is a newly described species of large whale that was described in 2021. Prior to the description of this species, we thought the species we were studying was an isolated population of Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni), but morphometric and genetic data confirmed that this is an extremely small, isolated population with an estimated abundance of 50 individuals, a restricted habitat range, and very low levels of genetic diversity.
Rice’s whale (Balaenoptera ricei)

This study will improve our understanding of the ecology, habitat requirements and risks to the only resident baleen whale in the Gulf of Mexico.
We study the foraging ecology and habitat use of critically endangered Rice’s whales in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico
The Rice’s whale (Balaenoptera ricei) is a newly described species of large whale that was described in 2021. Prior to the description of this species, we thought the species we were studying was an isolated population of Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni), but morphometric and genetic data confirmed that this is an extremely small, isolated population with an estimated abundance of 50 individuals, a restricted habitat range, and very low levels of genetic diversity.
To address this objective, we conduct ship-based surveys to assess the habitat, spatial distribution, and foraging ecology of Rice’s whales using a multi-faceted approach that integrates visual and acoustic monitoring, environmental sampling, trawling, biopsy sampling for genetic and stable isotope analyses, and deployment of animal-borne tags sampling. Models are developed to identify key trophic linkages and predator-prey interactions, improve characterization of Rice’s whale habitat and exposure to anthropogenic mortality, and provide information to managers that will inform restoration and population recovery activities. This comprehensive study will significantly improve our understanding of the trophic ecology, habitat requirements and risks to the only resident baleen whale in the Gulf of Mexico.