Jessica Carde

Jessica Carde is a PhD student at the Marine Sciences Program of FIU
Coastal dolphin behavior and ecology in response to anthropogenic threats and climate change.
If you want to collaborate with Jessica or know more about her work, drop her a line.
Jessica’s academic background includes a bachelor’s in biology, a bachelor’s in psychology, and a master’s in marine conservation in policy all from Stony Brook University. Some of her past research experience includes developing a method using ArcGIS to remotely assess and analyze Adélie’s penguins populations from newly uncovered historic naval aerial imagery, and conducting fishing trawl surveys in the waters of Long Island in order to obtain data on the abundance and distribution of the species that inhabit those waters.
Her research is now focussed on coastal dolphin behavior and ecology in response to anthropogenic threats and climate change. In collaboration with The NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center, her project investigates the impacts of disturbances and environmental changes on the habitat use, behavior and distribution of resident bottlenose dolphins within Biscayne Bay (South Florida).